The inside seating capacity in the new Grad House would increase from 44 to 84, with a mix of tables, booths and bar seats. The new kitchen would increase in size by 250%.
A coffee station/counter would be added to bring back the original intent of the Coffee House of the Café.
The double patios would remain similar to the current ones, with the addition of a wooden deck for a permanent stage area and prime seating on the East side of the patio.
Finally, a front porch patio would be added, for students interested in take-out items. This area would not be served by waiters, and customers could enjoy taking their time on this unique area.
And do not worry. We are designing the Grad House and Café Nostalgica to retain it's old house, warm and cosy feel. Red bricks, lots of exposed wood and the furniture will be a mix of old vintage armoires and artwork.