Referendum Dates

Référendum sur la Maison des diplômé.e.s le 21 - 24 mars 2011. Grad House Referendum March 21 - 24, 2011.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Much Will the Grad House Cost?

The estimated cost of the Grad House totals $4.2M. $600,000 has been secured through negotiation with the University and $50,000 is available in GSAÉD's Capital Building Funds.

To finance the remaing $3.5M, the University is willing to be a guarantor for a loan with a 5-6% interest rate. Based on the size of current graduate student population (5,500 students), each student would pay a levy of $22.50 per session to pay the mortgage in 30 years.

“$22.50, why should I care?”
You are giving access to the Grad House to those with limited mobility.
You are building a lasting legacy.
You are creating a thesis defence room worthy of hosting these special presentations.
You are saving an institution.

Click here to read: Why do we need a new Grad House?

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